Nicholas Biddle's Ship Explodes - The Battle of Barbados

Nicholas Biddle's Ship Explodes - The Battle of Barbados

I recently realized that I have written very little about the Continental Navy.

In an effort to correct this, I have begun studying the Navy heavily in recent weeks.

Today, we look at one of the most successful Captains during the Revolutionary War…Nicholas Biddle.

Nicholas Biddle

Nicholas Biddle went to sea at just 13-years-old.

By the time he came of age, Nicholas had developed a thorough knowledge of the ocean.

As tensions began to grow with the Mother Country, Biddle was busy joining an expedition led by Constantine Phipps to the Arctic. This was one of the first explorations of the coldest, most dangerous waters in the world.

Continental Navy

When Nicholas returned home to Philadelphia, his brother, Edward Biddle, had already become an outspoken and radical Patriot.

Nicholas volunteered with the newly formed Continental Navy and was chosen as one of the first five Captains in the history of the United States.

Biddle was given his first ship, the Andrew Doria.


Biddle quickly became one of the most successful Captains of the Continental Navy.

His most notable achievement was sailing up the Canadian coast and capturing ships around Newfoundland. 

Nicholas returned with enough prizes to impress the top brass. He was given command of a brand new ship, the Randolph.

Battle of Barbados

Biddle was ordered to run the British blockade off the coast of South Carolina, but when he attempted this, the Royal Navy was nowhere to be found.

Nicholas decided to travel to the West Indies and assist American merchant ships with protection.

While off the coast of Barbados, Biddle engaged with a much larger British vessel, the HMS Yarmouth.

Although it seems that Nicholas managed to gain the upper hand for the Americans, he was shot during the bout.

Seconds later, the Randolph’s powder stores were struck and the ship exploded. Biddle was one of the 301 sailors lost in the carnage.

He was just 27-years-old.

A Few Notes

I wanted to note that this Nicholas Biddle should not be confused with his nephew by the same name. The younger Nicholas Biddle would be an important opponent of Andrew Jackson during the Bank Wars of the 1830’s.

Additionally, there were four sailors who actually survived the explosion. They were found almost a week later...clinging to wreckage and floating in the none other than the Yarmouth, the very ship that sank them in the first place.

Want to read about other members of the CONTINENTAL NAVY?

Check out these articles:

Lambert Wickes - The Continental Navy’s Most Successful Captain

Esek Hopkins - Commander of the Continental Navy

Alexander Gillion - Commodore of the South Carolina Navy

Nicholas Biddle is one of the lucky Founders who, though fairly obscure, has a biography about him.

‘Captain Dauntless’ discusses this naval master’s short but impressive career.

If you’d like a copy you can pick one up through the Amazon affiliate link below (you’ll support this site, but don’t worry, Amazon pays me while your price stays the same).

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