Looking Back at the Most Popular Founders of the Day - 3rd Anniversary Addition

Looking Back at the Most Popular Founders of the Day - 3rd Anniversary Addition

It’s Founder of the Day’s 3rd Anniversary!

To celebrate I decided to list my most read articles.

Do you remember any of these? 

The List

You’ll notice a few themes in the list...Alexander Hamilton and spies. Not surprising considering both topics have had shows recently. 

Here’s the list:

10. Who Was The Last Founding Father?

This is one of the original articles I published when the website launched, so I’m happy to see it here. It’s basically a review of some of the longest-livers but it is a subjective topic and I controversially settle on John Quincy Adams.

9. Robert Townsend Takes His Secret to the Grave

Townsend was a member of the Culper Spy Ring. I’m certain many people who watch the show TURN have boosted the reads of this one.

8. Hercules Mulligan Tailors Intelligence For The Continental Army

Mulligan is a major character in the play Hamilton. Was also a spy loosely associated with the Culper Ring.

7. Tyranny of the Majority - Federalist #51

Every Friday for a year and a half I wrote about the Federalist Papers so I’m happy one made the list. Not surprising it’s #51 which is probably the most important (and Madison’s, sorry AH).

6. Austin Roe - Washington’s Spy on Horseback

This is the article I’m most happy is so high on the list. Roe was a member of the Spy Ring and essentially left out of TURN. He is also the only significant Founder buried in my hometown so it’s especially satisfying. 

5. The Colonists’ Complaints - 27 Reasons The Founders Declared Independence

To write this piece I went through the grievances in the Declaration of Independence and re-wrote them in modern English. I’m happy so many people are interested in understanding this subject. 

4. George Eacker - Two Duels In Two Days

Yet another character from Hamilton. Most people don’t realize the day before she shot Hamilton’s son Eacker dueled with his best friend. 

3. The Youngest American Ever Executed - Hannah Ocuish

I feel like people are googling this dark subject and don’t necessarily care about the American Founding. It’s a dark subject but an interesting perspective to take during the time the Constitution was being created. 

2. The Death of a President’s Son - Charles Adams’ Alcoholism

Another dark topic but it speaks a lot to John Adams’ point of view during his final days as Commander-in-Chief.

1. Let’s Steal Their Cannons - The Hearts of Oak and Hamilton’s First Taste of War

No surprise here, the top article is about Alexander Hamilton. To be fair, I took ‘Let’s Steal Their Cannons’ directly from a lyric in the play. I’m glad my click-bait rouse worked, because this obscure college student’s experience fighting in New York led to the nation’s first Secretary of the Treasury. 

Thanks again for reading...whether this is your first time or 984 (yeah, I’m 14 articles from 1000).

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Your humble and obedient servant,


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