From Sponsoring Madison to Leading The Nation - Virginia's Barbour Family

From Sponsoring Madison to Leading The Nation - Virginia's Barbour Family

The Barbour Family of Virginia had several prominent members during the American Founding.

I could not decide which one to write about, so I went with a few of the more important people.

Thomas Barbour

Thomas Barbour served in the Virginia House of Burgesses for several years leading up to the Revolutionary War.

Thomas also served in the militia and a Sheriff of Orange County (in addition to dozens of other important political positions).

He was an early supporter of a young James Madison as the Revolution progressed.

Barbour’s wife, Mary, was a member of the important Pendleton Family and the two of them had fifteen children. Of these, James and Philip Pendleton stand out.

James Barbour

James Barbour was born one week before the Battle of Bunker Hill.

He grew up in a Patriot household and followed his father into politics.

After a stint in Virginia’s Assembly, he became Governor and led his State through most of the War of 1812 before even turning 40.

James then spent a decade as a US Senator, with a year holding the title of President Pro Tempore.

Barbour then occupied the office of Secretary of War during the administration of John Quincy Adams before his final public performance as Minister to Great Britain. 

Philip Pendleton Barbour

While his older brother, James, was serving in the US Senate, Philip Pendleton Barbour spent fifteen years in the House of Representatives. 

During this time he spent two years as Speaker of the House followed but a jaunt as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. 

Eventually, President Andrew Jackson appointed him a Federal Judge in Virginia.

In 1836, the President gave him a promotion to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

More Founding Families?

Check out these articles:

Founding Siblings - George Washington’s Brothers (And Sister)

The Edwards Brothers Fight Tyranny Together

Death of a Loyalist Father - James Habersham’s Revolutionary Sons

Just one of the Barbour’s has a book about them.

‘An Old Republican in King Andrew’s Court’ is about Philip Pendleton Barbour.

Pick up a copy through the Amazon affiliate link below (you’ll support this site, but don’t worry, Amazon pays me while your price stays the same) but be warned, it is very rare and therefore expensive.

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