Federal Farmer II - Outlining The Dangers of Consolidation

Federal Farmer II - Outlining The Dangers of Consolidation

In Federal Farmer II an Anti-Federalist author outlines a laundry list of reasons the US Constitution is a dangerous document that is doomed to fail.

Federal Farmer II

October 9, 1787

In Federal Farmer II an anonymous Anti-Federalist author lays out a laundry list of reasons the US Constitution is a troubling document.

The focus spotlights the distance of the people from the Federal Government, problems with the Judicial System, lack of a Bill of Rights and the inevitable violent conclusion to its attempt to consolidate power.


Federal Farmer begins this piece by pointing out that, at the time, the separate States had about 200 State Senators. Implementing the Constitution would reduce this number to 26.

The people would be still further removed from control of the Government based on physical distance.

With a centrally located capital, the towns and people further away from the Mid-Atlantic region would be especially disenfranchised. 

Federal Courts

The Farmer proceeds with an assessment that the current State judicial systems are already difficult for many people to access, despite regular circuit rides.

Although he is cautious of making court cases too easy for people to file, the Farmer is sure that a Federal Court would be nearly impossible for the people to access.

Bill of Rights

The Farmer moves next to the lack of a Bill of Rights.

He asks why the Constitution has decided to grant so many rights to the Government, but absolutely no rights to the people.

In such a large country, where different groups of people have different needs, assuming all the citizens under one banner will inevitably lead to certain people being governed by force.


The Federal Farmer completes his discussion with a review of why the Constitution’s attempt to consolidate the State Governments will not work.

He believes the States and the people will very quickly become unhappy with the Federal Government toying with internal policy. This will either lead to resistance to Federal Law or neglect of it.

In each of these scenarios, “neglected laws, or a military execution of them, must lead to a revolution, and to the destruction of freedom.”

If you would like to read the original text of Federal Farmer II, click here to read it for FREE.

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