Why is the House of Representatives the Right Size? - Federalist #55

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Why is the House of Representatives the Right Size? - Federalist #55

Why is the House of Representatives the Right Size? - Federalist #55

In Federalist #55 James Madison discusses the number of Delegates in the House of Representatives.

Federalist #55

February 15, 1788

James Madison

In Federalist #55 James Madison again responds to criticism against the House of Representatives.

This time, it is specifically in regard to the size of the House.

Anti-Federalists began warning that there were not enough Delegates to prevent a small group of men from acting against the best interest of the nation as a whole.

Just The Right Size

Madison argues that the House does have enough members to prevent a small cabal from taking over the government.

Furthermore, he points out that it is small enough to make sure the government does not become inefficient due to having too many people in the room.

James also reminds the reader that all of the State Assemblies have different amounts of Representatives and that does not seem to concern the Anti-Federalists.


Closing in on the end of this Paper, Madison states that the most important thing for the safety of the people is that the citizens remain virtuous.

Virtue, in his opinion, is the most essential part of a republican government.

Without a virtuous people, any republic can fall victim to despotism.

I publish Federalist summaries every Friday.

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There are dozens (maybe hundreds) of biographies about James Madison.

Personally, I love everything Richard Brookhiser rights, so if you wanted to learn more about the 4th President I highly recommend his book.

If you’d like a copy you can get it through the Amazon affiliate link below (you’ll support this site, but don’t worry, Amazon pays me while your price stays the same).

James Madison
By Richard Brookhiser
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