Gabriel Jones Introduces Washington to Politics

Gabriel Jones Introduces Washington to Politics

Gabriel Jones was a low key Founder who happened to help George Washington win his first election.

Gabriel Jones

Gabriel Jones was born in Virginia but shortly after suffered the death of his father.

His family had lost much of their money in the previous few years and decided to return to Europe and settle in London.

It was there that Jones received his education, became an indentured servant for several years and then earned a law degree.

At 22 years old, Gabriel decided to move back to Virginia.

King’s Attorney

Jones took up residence in western Virginia and became King’s Attorney, which is similar to a modern District Attorney. 

Soon, he was elected to the House of Burgesses where he spent the next 25 years.

It was during this time that he befriended a young George Washington.

Gabriel helped Washington win his first election in the Colonial Assembly, even sacrificing his own victory (though he was elected in the next county over).

Revolutionary War

In 1774, Jones was asked to represent Virginia at the First Continental Congress, though he declined to attend.

During the Revolutionary War, Gabriel helped supply the Virginia Militia on the frontier.

He also travelled to Fort Pitt with Samuel Washington and George Read on behalf of the Continental Congress to review the status of the facilities and troops.


Shortly after the war concluded, Gabriel retired to private life.

He came out of retirement one time to attend the Virginia Ratification Convention where he supported the Constitution.

He then watched his former protege become President of the United States.

If you’d like to learn about other people who mentored the Founders you might like these articles:

George Wythe Educates The Founders

Educating Founders- Samuel Finley and the West Nottingham Academy

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