The Youngest American Ever Executed - Hannah Ocuish

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The Youngest American Ever Executed - Hannah Ocuish

The Youngest American Ever Executed - Hannah Ocuish

Hannah Ocuish was the youngest person executed in the history of the United States.

This is the story of her trial.

Be warned that two children die in this article, so it is not for the faint of heart.

The Disappearance of Eunice Bolles

In July of 1786, Eunice Bolles disappeared while walking to school in Connecticut.

The 6-year-old was found later that day, having been beaten and strangled to death.

Her assailant had placed stones on her body to make it appear that part of a wall had collapsed on her.

The authorities were not convinced.

Hannah Ocuish

12-year-old Hannah Ocuish was questioned about the attack as it was known that the two girls had a history of conflict.

Hannah claimed that she had seen four boys attacking Eunice, though they could not be identified.

A second round of interrogation occurred with the same result.


Hannah was brought to the Bolles house where she broke down in tears upon seeing Eunice’s body.

She confessed to the crime of murder.

Eunice had earlier seen Hannah, a poor girl of partial Native American decent, stealing strawberries. She threatened to tell, giving Ocuish a motive for the crime.


Hannah Ocuish was brought to trial at the same time that Shays’ Rebellion was breaking out in Massachusetts.

Richard Law, a former Continental Congressman, was the judge overseeing her case.

Between her confession and the lack of any other suspects, Hannah was quickly convicted.

Her punishment was severe...death by hanging.


On December 20, 1786, Hannah Ocuish was brought to the gallows.

Reverend Henry Channing gave a stirring sermon proclaiming the need for parents to teach their children discipline and obedience. 

Hannah stepped forward and thanked her jailers for their kindness.

A noose was placed around her neck and she was executed in front of a crowd of onlookers.

At 12 years and 9 months of age, Hannah is believed to be the youngest person to receive capital punishment in the history of the United States.

Do you want to learn about other REVOLUTIONARY STORIES that end in MURDER?

Enjoy this article:

The Manhattan Well Murder - People v. Levi Weeks

John Adam Treutlen - From Indentured Servant to Governor

David Ramsay - American History’s First American Historian

Henry Channings sermon at the execution became somewhat popular in its day.

If you’d like to read it, you can find it in the link below.

Pick up a copy through the Amazon affiliate link below (you’ll support this site, but don’t worry, Amazon pays me while your price stays the same).

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