The Oldest Founder in New Jersey - Hendrick Fisher

The Oldest Founder in New Jersey - Hendrick Fisher

Hendrick Fisher was a Delegate to the Stamp Act Congress and the President of New Jersey’s Provincial Congress.

As one of the few Founders born in the 1600’s, Fisher is one of the oldest people I’ve every written about...a full decade older than Benjamin Franklin.

Hendrick Fisher

Although he was an extremely important leader in Revolutionary New Jersey, surprisingly little is known about Hendrick Fisher.

He is believed to have been born in 1697 in German and traveled with his family to Holland before relocating to North America.

Fisher grew up in Colonial New Jersey and married at a young age, though the name of his mother and spouse as well as the number of siblings and children he had are all still up for debate.

First Great Awakening

Hendrick came of age just as the Great Awakening was beginning.

He grew close to Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen of the Dutch Reformed Church who he considered a mentor.

Frelinghuysen made Fisher a ‘helper’ which began as an assistant position but eventually led to the giving of sermons and a fair amount of power in his community.

Colonial Leader

By the 1740’s, Fisher was elected to the Colonial Assembly, but it seems he had not been naturalized yet (due to a misunderstanding) and had to concede the office.

Five years later, when everything cleared up, Hendrick was again elected to the Assembly and would remain there for over thirty years.

During this time, he served on dozens of committees and became one of the most important men in the colony.

Revolutionary New Jersey

In 1765 Fisher represented New Jersey in the Stamp Act Congress.

Upon his return, he became the de facto leader of the Patriots in his colony.

A decade later, when the Revolutionary War broke out at Lexington and Concord, Hendrick was already Chairman of the local Committee of Correspondence. 

Fisher soon found himself on the Committee of Safety and was the first President of the New Jersey Provincial Congress when it was established, essentially making him the Chief Executive of the Revolutionary Government. 

The Oldest Founder

Six months later, Hendrick (who was already in his 80’s) resigned as President in favor of a younger man.

The Patriots immediately demanded he remain as Vice-President which he did for about a year before retiring.

During this time, when General Howe offered clemency to any rebel who signed an oath of loyalty to the British, Fisher was specifically excluded from this list as an ‘arch traitor.’

Hendrick had to run from his home when the British came through and destroyed his belongings but was able to return home for a few years of retirement before he passed away.

More Founders from Jersey?

Check out these articles:

Philemon Dickinson - Commander of New Jersey’s Revolutionary Militia

The Parallel Lives of Elisha Lawrence

Elias Boudinot Signs the Preliminary Articles of Peace

Would you like to learn more about Central Jersey during the Revolution?

Check out ‘Crossroads of the American Revolution’ to further your understanding of the war itself.

Pick up a copy through the Amazon affiliate link below (you’ll support this site, but don’t worry, Amazon pays me while your price stays the same) but be warned, it is very rare and therefore expensive.

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