The Death of a Reverend - John Rosbrugh at Assunpink Creek

The Death of a Reverend - John Rosbrugh at Assunpink Creek

John Rosbrugh was a Chaplain in the militia when he was brutally bayonetted by Hessian soldiers.

John Rosbrugh

John Rosbrugh was born in Ireland but immigrated to New Jersey before his 20th birthday.

Rosbrugh worked as an artisan but eventually became a schoolmaster. This led to his attendance at the College of New Jersey starting at the age of 45, about three times as old as the usual pupil.

Upon graduation, John became a Presbyterian Minister.

Gathering Soldiers

Though he served as a Reverend for several congregations, Rosbrugh eventually settled in Allen Township, Pennsylvania.

He was in this position when the Revolutionary War broke out and he began giving sermons in support of the Patriots.

Eventually, John suggested that his community form a militia company. To his surprise, they agreed on the condition that he lead them.

Joining the War

Rosbrugh was hesitant but agreed to lead his men to Philadelphia.

When they arrived, the Continental Army welcomed their help but also realized that a preacher with no war experience was probably not the best choice to command the unit.

He was quickly replaced, which does not seem to have affected the attitudes of his men, and he began serving as Chaplain.

Assunpink Creek

John’s outfit was expected to join General Washington in the Battles of Trenton and Princeton, but was with the part of the Army that turned back due to inclement weather.

Rosbrugh was on hand for the Battle of Assunpink Creek (sometimes called the Second Battle of Trenton).

When John found out a group of Hessians were approaching, he ran outside to retrieve his horse, but it was missing.

Instead, a company of Hessians saw him and went on the attack.

John was brutally bayoneted to death by his opponents, and it is often said that this was because he was a Presbyterian, a denomination the enemy particularly abhorred. 

Rosbrugh was the first Chaplain killed in the Revolutionary War.

Here are some other Preachers from the American Revolution:

Preaching Abolition - Lemuel Haynes Breaks Barriers

Samuel Kirkland - Preacher on the Frontier

The Murder of a Patriot Preacher - The Tragedy of James Caldwell

Rosbrugh does actually have a biography, though it was written quite a long time ago.

To learn more check out ‘A Tale of The Revolution.’

If you’d like a copy you can get one through the Amazon affiliate link below (you’ll support this site, but don’t worry, Amazon pays me while your price stays the same).

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