The First Chaplain of the US Senate - Samuel Provoost

The First Chaplain of the US Senate - Samuel Provoost

Samuel Provoost was the first Chaplain of the United States Senate.

Published 12/22/19 - Updated 11/27/21

Samuel Provoost

Samuel Provoost was born into a moderately wealthy New York family and was afforded the opportunity to attend King’s College.

Provoost focused on theology and after graduation went to England to study further. After a brief time in the Netherlands, Provoost returned to London where he was ordained as a Deacon.

Samuel returned to New York just as the Revolutionary War broke out.

Though he sided with the Patriots, he played only a small role in the actual fighting. Instead, he became a spiritual leader for rebels.

Rector of Trinity Church

During the war, Provoost and Benjamin Moore were selected as Assistant Rectors of Trinity Church in New York City.

Because of Samuel’s association with the Revolutionaries, Moore was promoted to Rector during the British occupation.

As soon as the Continentals forced the Redcoats out, Moore was removed and Provoost given the position.

Chaplain of the United States Senate

The following year, Samuel was elected as the first Bishop of the State of New York, a position he held for fifteen years.

In 1789, one of the initial actions taken by the United States Senate was to choose a Chaplain. 

The man they chose...Samuel Provoost.

For the first year of Union under the Constitution, Provoost was the nation’s spiritual leader.

I’ve written about several MEN OF FAITH from the Founding.

Here are a few examples:

John Carroll - The First American Archbishop

The Other James Madison - President of the College of William and Mary

The Church Without England - Samuel Seabury Reunites the Faithful

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