Paul Revere Returns to Philly - The Impact of the Suffolk Resolves

Paul Revere Returns to Philly - The Impact of the Suffolk Resolves

Following up on yesterday’s article about Paul Revere’s first (important) ride, I thought today we should discuss the second time he went to Philadelphia.

This time, he carried an equally important message...with equally far reaching consequences. 

Suffolk Resolves

As the First Continental Congress began meeting in September of 1774, things were happening quickly back home in Massachusetts.

At a meeting of the Suffolk County Committee of Correspondence, a set of Resolves had been approved.

Drafted by Dr. Joseph Warren, the Suffolk Resolves called for, among other things, a boycott on all British goods.

Knowing this information would be important to the Delegates in Congress, Warren sent them to Philadelphia with a trusted friend...Paul Revere.

Revere Arrives

Revere again made the long trip to Pennsylvania.

The Delegates in the First Continental Congress were debating exactly how to handle the situation, but with Paul’s submission of the Suffolk Resolves, the majority of the Delegates moved firmly towards adoption of the document as their own.

In addition to a boycott, the colonies began raising militias to demonstrate they were prepared to prove to the Mother Country that they could take care of themselves if need be.

The result of the First Continental Congress was the Continental Association...the first Major Document of the American Founding.

It should be noted that other ideas were presented. Most notable of these was Joseph Galloway’s Plan of Union.

Paul Revere’s second trip to Philly, however, led to the adoption of tactics that set these Founders (whether they knew it or not) firmly on the course of Revolution.

Here are some other Midnight Riders you might not know about:

The Midnight Ride of Jack Jouett

The Midnight Ride of Caesar Rodney

The Five Day Ride of Israel Bissell - The Lexington Alarm to Philadelphia

Paul Revere had an extremely interesting life, which actually gained in importance after the war.

‘The Revolutionary Paul Revere’ is an excellent book that recounts the entire life of this Patriot.

If you’d like a copy you can get one through the Amazon affiliate link below (you’ll support this site, but don’t worry, Amazon pays me while your price stays the same).

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Preparing for Midnight - Paul Revere Delivers the Portsmouth Alarm

Preparing for Midnight - Paul Revere Delivers the Portsmouth Alarm

Paul Revere Rallies the Colonies - The Long Ride to Philly

Paul Revere Rallies the Colonies - The Long Ride to Philly