For our first Book of the Month we will be reading Plain, Honest Men by Richard Beeman.
I have chosen this book because it is one of my favorites. I am confident that any fan of the American Revolution will feel the same.
While there are many books about the Constitutional Convention, this one stands out for several reasons.
First, Beeman follows three and a half months (or so) of the Convention day by day. Because of this, readers can understand how the Constitution developed from minor changes, to the Articles of Confederation, to a radically new government.
Additionally, each time a new Founder speaks before the Convention, Beeman takes the opportunity to discuss them. He’ll often point out said Founder’s credentials for being there and the background on how they came about their opinion.
Furthermore, Beeman doesn’t just discuss what is going on in the room. He follows the delegates through their days off. He analyzes after hour, back room meetings. He inserts relevant information from letters to friends.
Please join me in experiencing Plain, Honest Men this month. It is easy to read but descriptive enough to have any fan of the Revolution learn something new.
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