Founder of the Day Update for Founders Fans

Founder of the Day Update for Founders Fans

Taking a break from the Revolution for a day to give some updates regarding Founder of the Day.

Check out all of these new things Founder of the Day has going on and we’ll get right back to the Founding tomorrow.

Big Announcement

Hi Founders Fans!

Taking a day off from the usual history articles to give you a quick update on all the goings-on with Founder of the Day.

First of all, I have really exciting news.

I have been asked to sit on a panel for History Camp Boston 2020!

For those of you who are unfamiliar, History Camp is a set of conventions which take place in cities around the country.

On Saturday, March 14th, 2020, I will be one of several people discussing the use of new media to relate history to a modern audience. If you’re able to be in Boston that weekend, make sure you come say hi!


Furthermore, you might not be aware that I started a YouTube Channel recently.

If you like the articles I publish on this site, you might enjoy listening to me tell the stories.

Check out my channel here: Founder of the Day on YouTube.


I’ve recently done several updates to the site itself.

Although, if you’re reading this, you probably don’t care about the changes to my About Page (you already know what I’m about), you might have fun taking a peek at my new Archive Page.

It has all 667 articles I’ve written listed by date, so go ahead and catch up on what you missed!


I’ll be honest, I have not paid the attention to my Patreon page that it deserves.

That being said, I have renewed my effort to increase its value to my Patrons.

If you’d like to support Founder of the Day, feel free to check out my Patreon page.

In return for a small monthly donation, I have various rewards to thank you for your contribution...including an extra Founder each month!

Thank You

The work I put in to Founder of the Day is worth it because the dedicated audience that keeps reading/watching each day.

A big THANK YOU goes out to everyone who frequents this site.

Tomorrow we’ll get back to our usual American Revolution stories.

Thanks again! 

Oh, I almost forgot, you have probably noticed that I recently opened a shop on this site.

Check it out, you might find something you like!

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